POLL: Rolling Stones or Led Zeppelin?

2013-11-07 10:39 pm
For me Led Zeppelin. Please give why

@MRAWESOME! because part of the fun of these polls is thinking harder about what you like better. It does not mean I like on over the other I agree with you they are both awesome, but that should not disregard the debate entirely.

回答 (14)

2013-11-07 10:41 pm
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I like both but I have to go with the Led too.. idk I just love the guitar
2013-11-09 4:07 am
Rolling Stones. I'm not a big fan of Led Zeppelin.
2013-11-08 6:47 am
Stones, only because I like a lot of their songs in an even way, one doesn't necessarily stand out for me. On the other hand, Led Zeppelin has a few songs that really stand out as pure genius compared to some Stones songs, some I'm not much into. I guess it's because I've been exposed to the Stones a bit more.
2013-11-08 6:45 am
Rolling Stones, I just prefer Mick Jagger's vocals to Robert Plants, I like them both though:)
2013-11-08 6:43 am
Led. Because it sounds 19 times better.
2013-11-08 6:41 am
Hard choice, but I'll go with Rolling Stones.

Not saying Zeppelin was bad or anything, I just think the Rolling Stones are more famous.
2013-11-08 6:40 am
Rolling Stones.

I just always found their work more appealing to me. I can relate to more of their songs.
2013-11-08 6:41 am
Is it too much to ask for both? BOTH AWESOME.
2013-11-08 6:53 am
The Stones have always been my best of the two. I like Zeppelin ok.
2013-11-08 6:52 am
AC/DC :) ..lol
rolling stones
2013-11-08 6:43 am
Rolling Stones
2013-11-08 6:43 am
Rolling Stones...Robert Plant's voice just annoys me too much
2013-11-08 6:41 am
Rolling stones.
2013-11-08 6:40 am

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