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2013-11-08 3:43 am
Newspaper Reading Assignment

1. First of all, because of the one-child policy, China is faced with an ____ population.

2. If numbers in the workforce drop, yhem this will surely have an adverse effect o productivity amd raise questions about China's s_________ development.

3. What is more, with the traditional blas forsons in Chinese society, many couples have aborted female fetuses and more baby girls are a_________ . This has led to an uneven sex ratio.

4.Word Part of speech
adverse __________ 2 Synonym:_________
fetuses __________ 2 Synonym:_________
aborted ___________ meaning ; __________
Noun : ____________

回答 (5)

2013-11-08 4:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
The newspaper reading assigment:-
4.adverse:-critical; negative
fetuses:-young, newly- developed
aborted:-premature delivery; abortion
To have population explosion under control.
2013-11-08 3:20 pm
With a population of about 1.36 billion in 2013 (the highest in the world), China is faced with an under population.
You must be joking!

1. First of all, because of the one-child policy, China is faced with an aging polpulation

2013-11-08 07:25:32 補充:
Try this one,

2. If numbers in the workforce drop, yhem this will surely have an adverse effect o productivity amd raise questions about China's socio-economic development.

socio-economic (adjective) = relating to society and economics.
2013-11-08 12:38 pm
1. First of all, because of the one-child policy, China isfaced with an _average___ population. 2. If numbers in the workforce drop, yhem this will surelyhave an adverse effect o productivity amd raise questions about China's s__labor_______development. 3. What is more, with the traditional blas forsons inChinese society, many couples have aborted female fetuses and more baby girlsare a___hassle______ . This has led to an uneven sex ratio. 4.Word Part of speechadverse __________ 2 Synonym:_unfavorable________fetuses __________ 2 Synonym:___embryo_____aborted ___________ meaning ; ___terminated_

2013-11-08 04:47:58 補充:
I think the one-child policy should be continued to practice in China as it is over-populated right now. If the Government does not take actions to control the newborn numbers, then a lot of problems will arise. For example, over-population will lead to a shortage of the resources that the

2013-11-08 04:48:26 補充:
country can provide. As far as newborn babies are concerned, the milk to feed them will be in shortage. If this problem persists, it will also lead to multiple issues in nutrition. When the children grow up, there may not be enough facilities for them to have education.
2013-11-08 8:08 am

1. First of all, because of the one-child policy, China is faced with an _under population.

2. If numbers in the workforce drop, yhem this will surely have an adverse effect o productivity amd raise questions about China's _economic___ development.

3. What is more, with the traditional blas forsons in Chinese society, many couples have aborted female fetuses and more baby girls are abandoned___ . This has led to an uneven sex ratio.

4.Word Part of speech
adverse _adversity (noun)__ 2 Synonym:__disadvantageous, unfavourable__
fetuses __fetal (adjective)__ 2 Synonym:__baby, embryo_______
aborted __abortion (noun)___ meaning ; _to end a pregnancy____

I think the policy should still be implemented in today's China, but its scope can be reduced from the whole country to some poorer regions where resources are scarce. It will heavily burden the society if parents do not have the resources needed to raise a child. The one-child policy directly tackles this problem prevalent in the poorer regions and therefore should be maintained. This does not mean that parents in richer cities like Shanghai and Beijing can have the right to give birth to as many children as they want. However, instead of one-child policy, two-children policy may be implemented in these cities as the parents have the resources to do so. Moreover, this could help solve the underpopulation problem in China in long term. To conclude, I still see the value of the policy in today's China.
2013-11-08 4:31 am
4.adverse:-critical; negative
fetuses:-young, newly- developed
aborted:-premature delivery; abortion
To have population explosion under control.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 20:20:43
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