午餐肉牛扒飯 English

2013-11-07 6:19 am
午餐肉牛扒飯 English !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

回答 (8)

2013-11-07 6:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
午餐肉牛扒飯 = Rice with luncheon meat and steak

午餐肉 = luncheon meat
2013-11-07 6:17 pm
我覺得 001 的答覆最正確。

午餐肉的材料是甚麼,一般人都不能確定,雖說應是豬肉,但真的沒有其他肉混合在內嗎?況且一講 luncheon 就係人都知是午餐肉,無須再加 pork 這個字。niu bafan 更匪夷所思!

至於 rice 這字應放在前抑或在後,我認為這碟頭飯重點在餸菜,不在飯,所以餸菜應放前面。

2013-11-07 10:20:00 補充:
004 的亦正確,並且說明這是牛排而非其他肉類,因為 steak 並不單指牛。
2013-11-07 6:11 pm
Niu Bafan is not English.

2013-11-07 13:57:17 補充:
Luncheon Meat and Steak on Rice

2013-11-07 13:59:05 補充:
Without qualification, the word "steak" generally refers to beefsteak. Steaks from other animals are usually qualified as, e.g., 'swordfish steak' or 'venison steak'.
2013-11-07 1:44 pm
午餐肉牛扒飯 是Pork luncheon Meat Niu Bafan
2013-11-07 7:18 am
嘩~ 我睇到呢個post我好肚餓......
2013-11-07 7:17 am
Luncheon Meat and Beef Steak with Rice.
2013-11-07 7:17 am
午餐肉牛扒飯: Luncheon meat steak with rice
2013-11-07 6:34 am
Luncheon Meat & Beef Steak with Rice~~~~

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