翻譯英文--冷氣機問題 (公司)

2013-11-06 7:07 pm
請幫我翻譯以下為英文, 要報告給上司知道

而家只係洗左7部冷氣機, 其中兩部(近窗口位置), 由於工作台是玻璃的, 維持人員無法踩上去清洗冷氣機, 如要洗必須把台搬開
另一部在會議室1, 由於公司招牌頂住, 要把招牌拆下才可清洗
另一部在會議室2, 由天花內太多風口及水喉, 無法清洗
最後, 你坐位上的冷氣機巳壞了不能用, 經常滴水的原因是因為, 光管位把去水喉頂高了, 無法去水, 水便積聚起來, 亦由於裝修關係, 天花板無法移開完全檢查裡面情況,

如果要更換的話, 接待處問口位置及你坐位上的冷氣機會再報價給你,

由於維持公司只洗了7部冷氣機, 他們會重新再開invoice給你

回答 (1)

2013-11-10 10:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Now seven air conditioners have been washed only, including two (near window position). As the workbench is glass, maintenance personnel cannot step on it to clean air conditioners. If washing is needed must move away workbench.
Another one is in the conference room one. As the company sign stand up, sign should move away then for cleaning.
Another one is in the conference room two. As the ceiling have many vents and water pipes inside, it cannot be cleaned.
Finally, air conditioner which over your seat has broken and cannot be used. Often dripping reason is because the light pipe hoses out water pipes a bit high. The water cannot go away so the water build up. Also due to renovation relationship, the ceiling cannot be removed to fully check inside the case.

If replace is needed, the reception entrance for air conditioner which over your seat will make you an offer.

As maintaining company only washed seven air conditioners, they will re-open the invoice to you.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 19:48:25
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