
2013-11-06 7:09 am
如果Mr.A 開會時轉述Mr.B的內容

而我又要係minutes講返Mr.A 講既野....英文句子應該點講呢?

Mr.A stated that Mr.B told kelvin to do something.


thank you!!

回答 (6)

2013-11-06 9:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
Mr A stated (that) Mr B had told Kelvin to do something.

第一,Mr B 跟 Kelvin 說話的時點常理上應該是比 Mr A 開會轉述時的時點早,所以 Mr A 是 past tense 的話,Mr B 應用 past perfect tense。

第二,純粹是個人意見/喜好,state 好像語氣有點強烈,其實用 said 應該就可以了。

2013-11-06 9:32 pm

轉述第二個人講既野to repeat; to duplicate; to copy; to forward
2013-11-06 7:14 pm
For indirect question(grammar)do not put a question mark after an indirect question:-
A---->B ; B told Kelvin to do something.
A asked B what Kelvin was doing.(in reported speech.)
2013-11-06 5:03 pm
Mr. A在會上講述
Mr. B是指示Kelvin做事的那一個

2013-11-06 12:46 pm
Mr. A wanted Mr. B to convey the message to Kelvin that he has to do something.
2013-11-06 12:35 pm
During the meeting Mr.A was conveying the speech that he told Kelvin to do something on behalf of Mr. B.
參考: Myself and dictionary

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