The chemical term

2013-11-06 4:09 am
What mean by effective collision?
Why collision can't lead to a reaction?

回答 (2)

2013-11-06 7:40 am
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An effective collision is a collision between particles leading to areaction to occur.

An effective collision must fulfill the following two criteria :
1) The collision energy must be higher than or equal to the minimum energy requiredfor the reaction to occur. The minimum energy required is called activation energy.
2) The particles must collide in correct collision orientation.
1) 碰撞能量必須高於或等於發生該反應所需的最低能量,這最低能量稱為活化能。
2) 粒子必須以正確的位置碰撞。

At a higher temperature, the particles have higher kinetic energy. This leadsto more collisions would have collision energy higher than the activationenergy. Therefore, the number of effective collisions increase and the reactionrate thus increases. Note that NOT all collisions with collision energy higherthan the activation energy are effective, because of the effect of collision orientation.
參考: 不用客氣
2013-11-06 4:40 am
可以導至生成 product 的碰撞稱為 effective collision。

不論原子或分子,它們的外圍都是電子,當两個反應物粒子互相接近,首先出現的是两者之間的排斥力,如果能量不足(動能)[activation energy]便不能抵抗這排斥力而接近至足夠近而產生反應,簡單地,它們會由於两者之間的排斥力而分開。所以並非全部的碰撞都是 effective collision。

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