
2013-11-06 1:45 am
1. Name the software that can be used to handle the multimedia elements:

a. sound

b. animation

c. video

2. Compare powerpoint presentation with video presentation.

3. Identify the following formats with suitable multimedia elements (text, audio, video, graphic)

a. jpeg

b. doc

c. midi

d. mpeg

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2013-11-06 3:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Name the software that can be used to handle the multimedia elements:

a. sound - Windows Media Player

b. animation - Adobe Flash CS6

c. video - Windows Movie Maker

2. Compare powerpoint presentation with video presentation.

Ppt presentation:
1. Can print out the notes
2. Can insert video in some slide

Video presentation:
1. Can's print out
2. Need to have recorder if produce tailor made video

3. Identify the following formats with suitable multimedia elements (text, audio, video, graphic)

a. jpeg - graphic

b. doc - text

c. midi - audio

d. mpeg - video

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