
2013-11-06 1:26 am
請多例出接待員的工作, 並用英文翻譯
比如, 用英文點同老細講
1) peter黎左公司搵你
2) 2號會議窒現在可以使用了
3) 你有客人到左
4) .5)..6)....等等

回答 (4)

2013-11-06 12:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Peter is here to see you.
2. Number 2 conference room is available for use now.
3. Your visitors are here.
4. Please wait a moment.

2013-11-06 04:44:10 補充:
Other examples:
1. Peter cannot come to you see you today, and he would like to re-schedule the meeting with you.
2. Your visitors are right on time to see you.
3. Your appointment with Peter is at 9am.
4. Due to an unexpected event, Peter wouldn't be able to meet with you today.
2013-11-06 5:34 pm
Would you kindly enough to give some examples of conversations for use by the secretary between his President.
1) Sir, Mr.Peter is expecting you;
2) Sir, No 2 board room is now available;
3) Sir, your expected guest is in the waiting room;;
4) Sir, your expecting documents are put on your desk;
5) Sir, this is your order, a cup of coffee and snacks;
6) Sir, this is the photostated copies of the documents ordered;
7) Sir, please answer phone call by Mr. Peter of Tai Sun Company;
參考: Myself
2013-11-06 6:33 am
1. Peter has come to look for you. (如果你是在公司的話可不mention company) Peter已經走左ge話就用 'had'

2. Conference room number 2 is available now.

3. One of your clients has arrived.

4. You have an appointment with Peter at 2 a.m.
4. 你和Peter在下午兩點有個預約

其他你可吾可以舉出? 我直係唸當到><
參考: me
2013-11-06 5:31 am
Peter visitedthe company looking for you2號會客室現在可以使用NO.2 meeting rooms can now use客人已經到了The guests are here4至5號會客室都要等一會兒。4 to No. 5 meeting roomto wait a moment.

2013-11-06 19:33:52 補充:
when shall i be expecting you this evening ., 今晚我幾點等你.
he is expecting you , come this way please ., 他正在等您呢 , 請走這裡.
We are expecting you , sir ., 先生 , 我們正恭候您的光臨.
keep expecting you to send for me ., 一直期待著你邀請我.

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