enthalpy change problem 求教

2013-11-05 6:26 pm
What is the sign of ΔS° for this chemical equation

1. Mixing of Nitrogen with Oxygen, ΔS° = + or -

我想知道為什麼答案是+, 求指教 ...

回答 (1)

2013-11-05 9:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
ΔS° 中的 S 是 entropy ,叫做熵或「亂度」,由亂度一詞可以更清晰它的意義,After mixing nitrogen and oxygen, it is quite obvious that the degree of randomness increase. So, ΔS° = +。It is given by Boltzmann's equation that S= k ln ω,where ω is the number of corresponding microstate.

2013-11-05 20:29:54 補充:
S= k ln W

收錄日期: 2021-04-27 20:33:51
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