Supplementary ex. on Maths(%)

2013-11-05 8:03 am
1. Susan deposits 50000 at an inreret rate of 3%p.a. and interest is compounded yearly.2 years later, the interest rate is reduced to 2.5 %p.a.What will be the amount received at the end of the 4 th year???(cor. to the neaet dollar) the forest...there were 2 fires happening successively.The 1 st fire reduced the area by 25 % and the 2nd one reduced the remaining area by 12 %.If the area of thebforest before the fires is 9 hectares,then find the total area of forest destroyed by he 2 fires.

3. (this is mainly about calculation problem)
the no. of fish in the reservoir grows steadily at a rate of 15%, per year.If there are about 240000 fish in thr resercoir now,then find the number of fish in the reservoir after 3 years.
Can you get the answer 350000?

回答 (4)

2013-11-05 8:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
Amount at the end of 2nd year: 50000(1.03)^2 = $ 53045
Amount at the end of 4th year: 53045(1.025)^2 = $ 55730, cor. to the nearest dollar

Area destroyed by the 1st fire: 9 (0.25) = 2.25 hectares
Area destroyed by the 2nd fire: 9 (1 - 0.25) (0.12) = 0.81 hectares
Total area destroyed: 2.25 + 0.81 = 3.06 hectares

Number of fish 3 years after: 240000 (1.15)^3 = 365010

2013-11-05 21:40:06 補充:
I think it should be 365010.
Well, I don't know if there are any traps in this question that would make the answer 350000 though. But sometimes model answers could be wrong. Trust yourself and if the model answer is correct, just find out why it's that and bear it in your mind. To err is human.
2013-11-13 1:34 am
:):):),you are so sweet! hey Kandy,you can't be like this....pls do tell me what had happened through email ar!
2013-11-12 6:10 am
irs reallt windy tonight ,wooo....put on more clothes!!!
2013-11-05 4:11 pm

2013-11-05 08:13:18 補充:
I mean both of you...

2013-11-13 00:04:19 補充:
I also feel something strange.

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