cleaned oven but it now smells of bleach,is it safe to use?

2013-11-04 11:42 am
yesterday morning my husband cleaned our oven with a bleach based oven cleaner,thought no more of it until early evening when i went to cook the kids dinner and turned the oven on and within 5 minutes it had a very strong smell of the bleach he used (even though it was oven cleaner),left the oven on for a while in the hope the smell went but it didnt so i decided not to use the oven and cooked the dinner on the hob instead.i was worried that the smell of the bleach would get into the food making it taste awful and making everyone ill too,would i be right to be worried? i have left the oven door open all night and this morning i switched it back on to see if it still smells which it does but not as bad but still a strong smell,so i am going to wash it all out with just boiling hot water and see if that helps,any other ideas would be great.many thanks

回答 (6)

2013-11-04 11:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
Can't harm you, just think of how swimming pools smell.
2013-11-04 11:46 am
When you've washed it out again, leave the oven door open for a while to air properly and perhaps open the window.
2013-11-06 5:24 am
never us e bleach as chlorine can be released. use ammonia in a bowl, warm the oven and leave o/night , switch off first. then wipe down in the morning .
with what you have now ,wipe down with white vinegar on a damp cloth
2013-11-04 7:42 pm
Wipe the inside of the oven out with a cleaning cloth and hot water to remove any residue. Then turn on the empty oven for fifteen minutes to burn off any residue smell. If the oven still smells of bleach then it should be wiped out again
2013-11-04 3:54 pm
I had the same concerns recently - used an oven cleaner which smelt the oven out and when put the oven on it smelt pretty bad. I did the same as you - left it at least 24 hours and then used the oven again. It should be okay - just check the back of the cleaner you used it may say on it to wait 24 or 48 hours. But after that it should be okay.
參考: SCS Cleaning Services
2013-11-05 4:35 am
wash out the entire oven with white vinegar and water solution. and wipe dry with paper towels.(see how guys get out of helping?)
參考: experience

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