
2013-11-04 7:47 pm

write an article on how you can apply the psychological concept(s) and/or theory/theories you have learnt in this class to your own life or to help others. It must be DIRECTLY related to you and only you. A general discussion about a concept/theory without showing enough relevance to yourself will lead to a very poor grade.

我打算寫Operant Conditioning的Positive/negative reinforcement同Negative/positive punishment,我冇頭緒,怕作錯,唔知篇文如何寫,打算成篇文只講Positive/negative reinforcement同Negative/positive punishment應用在自己日常生活同舉有關自己相關例子就算,但題目又提without showing enough relevance to yourself will lead to a very poor grade.

,我以下 reinforcement個 例子可以?我真係唔知點作,我成整篇應講咩? punishment我可以作咩Positive/negative 例子?可以教下我嗎?唔該!

我reinforcement個 例子,得唔得?

從前的我很害怕數學,因為每次數學功課的成績都很差,常常處於擔心害怕的狀態中,老師為了不想害怕數學的同學測驗不合格,在放學後設立了一個數學輔導小組,規定數學成績差同學必須完成所有數學練習才可以回家(negative reinforcement), 所以自此我下定決心努力溫書,遇到不懂回答的數學難題,就會嘗試問同學和老師,空閒時會去圖書館,在一個寧靜環境下溫書,嘗試多做數學練習,把不明白的題目做到熟練為止,之後考試就不再有擔心害怕的情形出現,反而很有信心,在考試時全情投入,覺得自己一定可以合格.最後,派考試成績時,我終於人生第一次在數學科上拿到高分.老師還在我考試卷上寫上“Good job”(Positive Reinforcement)經過這次的努力後,我終於沒有好像從前那樣對數學那麼抗拒,因為我知道只要多做,多練習,就一定會成功.

回答 (2)

2013-11-04 11:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
How to write the first essay:-Whether psychological or psychology, it is the scientific study of the mind and how it influences behaviour.It is found in social,educational,child psychology How the mind influences behaviour in "Teacher--Student" of school life is related all in simple present tense here.
Negative reinforcement is found when I receive teacher's punishments and criticism when my Calculus Yr.1 is bad so he wants me to improve to avoid repeating another yr. ;and people in society can't complain my ignorance in Maths.When I have finished all the Calculus exercises,then I can go home at 6- 7 pm daily.
Positive reinforcement is when the teacher gives me praise and reward of a "Model Answer Book" for my work in the tutorial class, so I want to continue doing well in Calculus. The teacher needs to give me plenty of positive reinforcement doing well in other subjects.A prize-award is demanded as another positive reinforcement.
2013-11-05 1:05 am
How to write the first essay:-Whether psychological or psychology, it is the scientific study of the mind and how it influences behaviour.It is found in social,educational,child psychology How the mind influences behaviour in "Teacher--Student" of school life is related all in simple present tense here.
Negative reinforcement is found when I receive teacher's punishments and criticism when my Calculus Yr.1 is bad so he wants me to improve to avoid repeating another yr. ;and people in society can't complain my ignorance in Maths.When I have finished all the Calculus exercises,then I can go home at 6- 7 pm daily.
Positive reinforcement is when the teacher gives me praise and reward of a "Model Answer Book" for my work in the tutorial class, so I want to continue doing well in Calculus. The teacher needs to give me plenty of positive reinforcement doing well in other subjects.A prize-award is demanded as another positive reinforcement......

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