
2013-11-04 5:29 pm
他提到 內圍被分隔作儲藏磚頭或其他物料的儲物仍未油好, 要盡快跟進.

He stated that some part of internal storage area where separated for storage of bricks or materials were still not painted. He reminded Andy to follow up asap.



回答 (2)

2013-11-04 6:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
He stated that some parts of the internal storage area (x where) separated for storage of bricks or materials were still not painted. He reminded Andy to follow up asap.

1. parts 跟後面的 were 不合
2. 就這樣 where 的話文法錯誤,而且累贅,可改用 participle (就是不要 where)。

He mentioned that the inner compartments for storage of bricks and other materials had not been fully painted yet, and reminded Andy to get it done as soon as possible.

compartments 有著「分隔」的意思
未油 = were still not painted、未油「好」= had not been fully painted yet


2013-11-04 10:19:48 補充:
如果 Andy 是負責油的那一個人,那用 get it done 會直接一些。
但如果 Andy 不是負責油的那一個人,那照你般用 follow up 會較好。

2013-11-04 10:23:19 補充:
另外,用 or 的話,就暗示了內圍一係只是用來放磚頭,一係只是放其他物料。
因此,用 and 會較合理:內圍用來放磚頭和其他物料。
參考: 自己
2013-11-04 9:19 pm
差咁個動詞。最簡單的改法是拿走 where separated 這兩個字,同時把前面的 some 改為 the。

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