Why does he makes plans then disappear?

2013-11-04 5:30 am
He'll be the one to initiate plans with me then disappear for about a week or two and text me as if nothing happened. He's done it like 4 times, and once we had plans in like an hour and he kept saying he would be ready in an hour, then a few minutes, then said he was at the gym, etc etc til i finally gave up. I don't get it. Is it an ego thing?

回答 (1)

2013-11-04 5:33 am
He's either gutless,shy or just an idiot.No matter what, he cant be trusted so ditch the guy and dont waste your time with him.Any girl who tries to go out with him is going to get fed up with him.Its a learning experience.You deserve better.Dont give the guy another chance.Teach him a lesson by ignoring him.He'll get the hint sooner or later.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 20:04:44
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