
2013-11-04 7:19 am
write an article on how you can apply the psychological concept(s) and/or theory/theories you have learnt in this class to your own life or to help others. It must be DIRECTLY related to you and only you. A general discussion about a concept/theory without showing enough relevance to yourself will lead to a very poor grade.

我打算寫Operant Conditioning的Positive/negative reinforcement同Negative/positive punishment,我冇頭緒,怕作錯,唔知篇文如何寫,打算成篇文只講Positive/negative reinforcement同Negative/positive punishment應用在自己日常生活同舉有關自己相關例子就算,但題目又提without showing enough relevance to yourself will lead to a very poor grade.

,我以下 reinforcement個 例子可以?我真係唔知點作,我成整篇應講咩? punishment我可以作咩Positive/negative 例子?可以教下我嗎?唔該!

我reinforcement個 例子,得唔得?

從前的我很害怕數學,因為每次數學功課的成績都很差,常常處於擔心害怕的狀態中,老師為了不想害怕數學的同學測驗不合格,在放學後設立了一個數學輔導小組,規定數學成績差同學必須完成所有數學練習才可以回家(negative reinforcement), 所以自此我下定決心努力溫書,遇到不懂回答的數學難題,就會嘗試問同學和老師,空閒時會去圖書館,在一個寧靜環境下溫書,嘗試多做數學練習,把不明白的題目做到熟練為止,之後考試就不再有擔心害怕的情形出現,反而很有信心,在考試時全情投入,覺得自己一定可以合格.最後,派考試成績時,我終於人生第一次在數學科上拿到高分.老師還在我考試卷上寫上“Good job”(Positive Reinforcement)經過這次的努力後,我終於沒有好像從前那樣對數學那麼抗拒,因為我知道只要多做,多練習,就一定會成功.

回答 (1)

2013-11-07 1:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
What I am going to say is not what you would like to hear.

Re: B.F. Skinner's Operant Conditioning Theory

- It is already confusing enough just to mention about positive and negative
reinforcement, positive and negative punishment along with
other processesses of observation and modification of behaviour.

- It relies too much on the controlled observation of animal behavior.
People tend to associate these concepts with the training tools of the
animals like mice, dogs and cats. (The Skinner's Box)

- Do you really want to connect these types of conditioning mechanisms
to your life experiences? This is a Case Study about "YOU" not a mouse
or a monkey.

- This term paper sounds depressing right from the start, not interesting
at all.

- You will know the consequences if the reader (lecturer) finds the paper
boring and difficult to follow. Better think twice or change the topic
entirely before it is too late.
- Suggestion: Erik Erikson's Theory of Psychosocial Development
It is mainly about the 8 stages of Personality Development.

- It is systematic and the concepts flow smoothly so you can easily relate
to your life stories as you grow up, besides, references are numerous

- There are conflicts/crisis people encounter at different stages/ages and
they will try to resolve the problems mentally and physically as they
respond to societal stumuli.

- Erikson's Theory brings out the ideas of identity crisis, resolution of
conflicts, modification of behavior, character improvements and growth.

- He viewed human life as progressing on the continuum, growing
constantly, optimistically.
- 90% of the lecturers like to see something OPTIMISTIC. (human nature).
This is your first Psycology paper, do not give up.



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