Hong Kong airline飛行問題

2013-11-04 4:25 am
滑行時超越了進入跑道前的停機線飛機,是什麽意思? THANKYOU

回答 (4)

2013-11-09 2:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
chihung 你好!


2013-11-04 7:27 pm
When an airplane needs to taxi into a runway, clearance from air traffic control (ATC) is required.

Before giving out clearance to enter the runway for takeoff or wait, ATC will instruct the airplane to "hold short" at the runway to avoid incident, which is a line that all planes must stop. The line is drawn on the taxiway with 2 solid and 2 strip lines, with blinking yellow lights on the taxiway. It is also identified by a yellow sign for that intersection and a red sign for the runway identification.

When a plane goes beyond that line without clearance, it is basically means that the pilot disobey the ATC instruction. Although it is a serious issue, it does not necessary cause problems.

2013-11-04 4:31 am
2013-11-04 4:29 am

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