think up同think of嘅分別

2013-11-04 12:03 am
think up同think of有咩分別?

回答 (3)

2013-11-04 12:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
think of

想像; 思考; 想到; 打算

think up

想出; 設計出

2013-11-03 16:34:11 補充:
think up
She thought up a fun game for the children to play . 她想出了一個有趣的遊戲給孩子們玩。
We have thought up ways to overcome the difficulty . 我們想出了克服困難的辦法。

2013-11-03 16:34:41 補充:
think of
Don ' t you think too meanly of yourself . 不要把自己看得太渺小了。
Just think of the things we could learn there . 只要想一想, 我們在那兒能學到多少東西吧!
Can you think of a good place for a weekend holiding ? 你能提議一個週末度假的去處嗎?
We are thinking of moving to another house . 我們初步打算搬到另一撞房子去住。
We have many thi

2013-11-03 16:35:21 補充:
We have many things to think of before coming to a conclusion . 在得出結論之前, 我們還有許多事情要考慮。
What do you think of our new car ? 你看我們的新車如何?
2013-11-04 11:52 am
= 想到…之事, 想起, 視為,考慮, 記起, 想出 <主意等>,
Think of 很多解釋, 取決于怎樣使用

1. If you can think of something that exist or is a fact, you know and can therefore suggest it to other people.
He can think of at least two examples of this go-ver-nmen t’s stupidity.

2. If you think of doing something, you consider the possibility of doing it.
The tycoon’s son is thinking of buying an exotic sports car to please his new girlfriend.

3. If you think of someone or something in a particular way, that is your opinion of them or your feeling toward them.
She still thought of England as her home.

4. If you think of someone or something, you remember someone you knew, or something you saw or did in the past.
I think of you whenever I go the restaurant where we used to eat.

5. If you think of something, you find an idea or suggestion by thinking about it.
I’ll have to think of some way of showing them how grateful I am.
This is a new design that she has never thought of before.

= 想出 <新主意、藉口等>, 設計出, 捏造

If you think up something, you find new idea, suggestion by thinking about it and using your imagination and intelligence.
think up = devise; to produce new idea by thought, come up with

Do you think this up all by yourself?
Who thinks up names for new products?
The 敗家仔 kept thinking up ways he could cheat his parents.

think up 是有新主意, think of 是 想起, 視為
在某情形下, think of 相似 think up, 想出主意

參考: Longman Verbal Phrases Dictionary
2013-11-04 12:33 am

think up同think of嘅分別think up 諗出/到果樣嘢出嚟
think of 思考有關連既嘢

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