facebook help pleaseeeee?

2013-11-02 2:02 pm
So I got a facebook message from someone and I think its this person that I really need to talk to but I can't message him back cause he blocked me a while ago but I swear its him ! What do I do? I tried sending a message asking who it was but the message couldn't send because I was blocked . Please what do I do. I desperately need to talk to him and I think it might have been him pleassseeee help

回答 (4)

2013-11-02 2:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
find the person in person and tell them, if you never met this person in real life, then; why did you added them?
2013-11-02 11:03 pm
not at
2013-11-02 9:08 pm
try to mail his fb mail adres eg="[email protected]"

make fake fb account and try to msg him.
2013-11-02 9:07 pm
Oh simply find his any other contact in facebook and send him message to unblock you on fb......

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