Laptop takes ages to load while video editing?

2013-11-02 1:31 pm
I've tried using various editing software (windows movie maker, pinnacle studio etc) but when I try to edit videos with them it's really slow... It's mainly when I try to play the videos back to me in preview. Once I save the movie it works fine with no problems but it takes me so long to edit because it won't let me see if it's okay before hand.
Also, when I speed up video footage (I've been trying to make speed art videos) it freezes every few seconds then plays again but again, once it's saved as a full movie it plays perfectly, it's just hard to edit with it like this :/
Please could you suggest how I could stop this/any software that definitely won't do this.

Thanks x

Btw I put this in four sections because I couldn't work out which section to put it in :/ Sorry, I've deleted them now...


I have a Dell XPS L521X, with a Intel Core i5-3210M CPU @2.50 GHz, 8GB RAM, and a 64-bit Operating System. I have over half the space left on the disk and it's never been slow until now...

回答 (6)

2013-11-02 2:30 pm
There maybe several reasons to this- just calm down a bit ;)
Here are the problems with their solutions... please read them all.

1. Graphics card performance
Read your laptop's specs... not really bad but the graphics, it doubt it. Try getting softwares like evga's precision x to overclock your graphics card and find out if it works. I don't think you can solve this by replacing the graphics, as most of them are integrated in the motherboard.... sorry.

2. RAM
Might be the RAM, but I doubt it... 8 GB is just enough. Try opening up task manager and go to startup. Close every apps except windows services and necessary ones. Restart


3. OS
Having too much adware, malware, and unnecessary programs on startup will cause this system, as your OS gets older and without maintenance. Reinstall your OS ;)

4. HDD overload!
Here is a comforting and possible solution :) People with HDD and using the OS for a long time usually face this problem. Detect it by restarting your computer. It should boot up completely in less than 30 seconds.
If it takes too slow, try solution 2 and 3- this should solve it a bit.
No? Then buy an SSD! 50 times as fast as HDD. HDDs can only read a limited amount of data at a time and is really small. It will overload if you have too much adware, malware, and unnecessary programs on startup. SSDs only cost a hundred bucks for 100 gb (approx.)

Best of Luck! :D
參考: Computer technician
2013-11-02 3:27 pm
I'd never recommend to use a laptop to perform video editing, unless you're using a mac laptop (I must admit it, Mac laptops are better than windows ones).
2013-11-02 2:44 pm
Have you never researched into what computer operating system that the Movie industry use for their block buster movie productions? Disney, Hollywood and Sony movie studios use Free Open Source Linux Operating system, Now it's time you learned that Windows is NOT the only computer operating system in the world.

Here you will find the latest October Free Video, Audio, 3D Animated and photo editing systems check them out
Artist X full blown multi media system that does not need to be Installed on the computer
latest October release
Ubuntu Studio latest October release
Dream Studio
AV Linux Video Studio

These are just a few Free system that's available to you. All these will run on your system
2013-11-02 1:39 pm
3 choices, install new drivers
or buy a new laptop with better components
2013-11-02 1:39 pm
It might need to use a lot of memory, how much RAM does your computer have?
Also do yo go into task manager and stop any unnecessary programmes from working and using up memory?
2013-11-02 1:37 pm
Post the hardware specs of the computer moron. By the way, if you want performance get a desktop next time

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