What would you do if you were the most powerful person on earth?

2013-11-02 12:56 pm
Would you rather want to watch the world burn by playing with peoples lives?
Would you make the world as fair/free/friendly/modern as possible?

or would you use your powers in some other way?

回答 (12)

2013-11-02 12:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
world peace
2013-11-02 12:59 pm
I would exact justice on all those who have done wrong to me and others, I would remove ignorance and such. Get rid of corporations or make them pay lot's of money to the general populace and also get all the corrupt world leaders arrested. I'd use money that celebrities waste on helping modernise African and Middle-eastern countries so a better standard of living can occur, I'd invest in industry there.

What else? Oh yes, I'd kill Justin Bieber and design an anti-troll system and give it to Yahoo for this website then un-suspend everyone who has been wrongly suspended (My first account as well...)
2013-11-02 1:29 pm
I would try to make the world a better place. :)
2013-11-02 1:26 pm
For 2 points and a chance to be awarded Best Answer my answer is:

I'd make it a better place for everybody.
2013-11-02 1:13 pm
I would donate money to the poor and less fortunate. I would also figure out away where I can bring peace, tolerance, and acceptance towards everyone. I'd also act as an example to everyone that you should always do the right thing no matter how hard it is and always treat everyone with love and respect.

This world is going down the drain with the total opposite and it would be a dream to see that change.
2013-11-02 1:04 pm
I would abolish money since its the root of all evil
2013-11-03 6:43 am
Get women pregnant.
Make Lindsay Lohan a pornstar.
2013-11-02 1:36 pm
I would play with peoples lives who I felt were evil, and see to it that the good guy wins.
2013-11-02 1:17 pm
I would buy Russia and make Vladimir Putin my personal story teller.
2013-11-02 1:03 pm
Number one i would furnish treatment arrangements for all creatures who are having injured and ill like pets wild bird animals
made arrangements for their food
human can beg they cannot
human can speak but they cannot

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