Are you embarrassed to cry in front of people?

2013-11-02 12:46 pm
I'm way too embarrassed to do it in front of people but I'm really emotional and when my eyes start tearing up I just pretend that I have hay fever. :(

回答 (11)

2013-11-02 12:48 pm
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Yes, but it's rare that I've been in that situation. And if I am in a situation that makes me cry, I think it's best to just let it out and not even care what people think. I completely shut people out if they try to comfort me, and I say don't worry.
2014-12-13 1:34 am
Muchas de mi sillas son comprada en los sitios web, la última vez que he comprado en los sitios web ha sido una silla para mi hija porque no es nada mas importante cuando tienes un niño que la seguridad, en el coche o en casa, la silla que he comprado para darle de comer es perfecta, muy cómoda y muy segura, estoy segura de que no se va a resbalar con ella, una compra perfecta.
2013-11-02 5:59 pm
2013-11-02 1:31 pm
Yeah. I don't want people to see me as weak. I try to look strong to other people.
2013-11-02 1:08 pm
I'm a guy the only tears you will ever see will be from my other head and those will be happy tears :p
2013-11-02 12:54 pm
2013-11-02 12:50 pm
depends on the situation but mostly i prefer to cry alone
2013-11-02 12:49 pm
2013-11-03 4:27 pm
Well I'd sooner kill myself than cry in front of my so called parents. They have never seen me cry.
I would never cry in front of a stranger or close friends. They all know me as a strong invincible person I'm pretty sure they'd faint if I cried in front of them.
I only cry in front of my big brother, he's 16 and my best friend. Only other person is my dog, who knows how to comfort me.
Other than my brother and my dog, I would never cry in front of anyone else.

I'm a 14 year old girl if it helps.
2013-11-02 12:47 pm
No. I love getting attention and making people feel pity for me. Makes me feel like I have purpose in life

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