Poll: What color are your eyes and hair?

2013-11-02 10:33 am
If you could change the color of your eyes and hair what would it be?

回答 (40)

2013-11-02 10:35 am
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blue and red/auburn at the moment seems like i've just copied the other answer but no!
i like my hair and blue eyes so i'd stick with these
2013-11-02 10:35 am
Black and black
2013-11-02 10:43 am
I used to have black hair,and my eyes are blue with a hint of grey.
2013-11-02 10:34 am
Blue and dark red/auburn.

I would like them to be blue and dark red/auburn.
2013-11-06 1:34 am
Dark brown, and brown. I wouldn't change it
2013-11-05 7:39 pm
green and black meow!
2013-11-05 7:32 pm
Blue and brown.
Change to green and blonde.
2013-11-02 6:31 pm
Hazel and grey.
2013-11-02 5:09 pm
Brown. Hair is dark brown/black/dark blonde. Wouldn't change any of it.
2013-11-02 4:39 pm
Green and browny/blonde
2013-11-02 1:42 pm
I would like light brown hair and blue eyes.
2013-11-02 12:49 pm
black and leave it
2013-11-02 12:40 pm
brown black
2013-11-02 12:03 pm
My eye colour is blue/grey

Hair is a dirty blonde
2013-11-02 11:50 am
brown and brown
2013-11-02 11:26 am
Blue and brown
2013-11-02 11:04 am
I have black hair and very dark brown eyes.
I wouldn't change them because I like the way they look.
2013-11-02 10:53 am
Salt and pepper
2013-11-02 10:52 am
blondish brown hair green eyes
2013-11-02 10:45 am
Light brown.....!!
2013-11-02 10:41 am
Brown hair and brown eyes.
2013-11-02 10:41 am
My eyes are green, apparently. I see them as blue and brown, but it seems that's green to everyone else. My hair is brown. If I could choose, I'd have my eyes be actually green. Preferably quite a bright, emerald green. And I'd have my hair be a darker brown.
2013-11-02 10:39 am
Brown eyes. Brown hair. I would like gray eyes, grayish blue
2013-11-02 10:38 am
My eyes are Emerald Green and my hair is naturally honey blond.

I wouldn't change either.
2013-11-02 10:38 am
Dark brown

Dark brown and grey

I wouldn't change a thing. I have to?

Charcoal Gray


Dark brown is my favorite eye color http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20130806070253AAwkcEq
2013-11-02 10:37 am
Black hair, dark brown eyes ... I wouldn't wanna change it but temporarily, honey blonde hair and light brown eyes
2013-11-02 10:36 am
my eyes colors are black with white surroundings and hair color is golden,,
2013-11-02 10:36 am
Eyes: dark brown.
Hair: a really dark brown, it's almost black.

I think they're ok. I'd like to have green eyes but it's fine.
2013-11-02 10:35 am
Brown eyes, dirty blonde hair. I would like light brown or hazel or a brownish green like my grandma
2013-11-02 10:35 am
I have black hair and almond brown eyes.
i like the way i am
2013-11-06 3:41 am
I am a dark brown right now. I was a "natural black" but decided that was too dark. My eyes are hazel. That is a mistake of nature. They should have been borwn.
2013-11-06 1:32 am
blue and blonde

no I like it fine as it is and would not change it.
2013-11-05 7:42 pm
hazel and black
參考: -
2013-11-05 7:38 pm
well I have brown eyes,and do you know what,someone it dyeing my hair gray with out me knowing,lol,I kid you not my friend.
2013-11-04 5:43 am
Auburn and depending on my mood hazel to green.

If I'm in a really crappy mood I've got grey green eyes like a stormy sea...most of the time they are brighter and more of a mossy green. Sometimes if I've got bloodshot eyes they can be emerald but then they're bloodshot and not so pretty.
2013-11-04 5:20 am
Black and blue.

Blue eyes, black hair.
2013-11-04 3:01 am
My eyes color are green and hair color is black.
2013-11-03 12:09 am
My eyes are brown and my hair is dark/dirty blonde. If I could change them I would make my eyes a green or aqua/green/blue colour and make my hair a lighter, more goldeny blonde or even red.
2013-11-02 2:06 pm
My eyes are dark brown (almost black) and my hair is black.

I like them the way they are, but say, if aliens attacked Earth and required us to change our eye and hair colors, I'd prolly go for that piercing green color for my eyes, or a sharp kind of gray. And I'd go for ginger hair just because.
2013-11-02 10:58 am
My hair~ Blonde/brown
My eyes~ Green/blue
If i could change???
My eyes~ blue!
My hair~ Brown/auburn
參考: :)

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