
2013-11-03 3:15 am

heart disease
dental cavities
high blood pressure
kidney failure
high cholesterol

回答 (4)

2013-11-03 9:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
Capitalize the first word of your sentence. We also use capital letters for proper names.

Obesity and lack of exercise are bad for the heart.
Heart disease is the leading cause of deaths worldwide.
Diabetes a disease in which the body cannot control the amount of sugar in the blood .
Dental cavities are hollow places in teeth caused by decay.
High blood pressure can be dangerous to your health.
Kidney failure is the inability of kidneys to filter metabolic waste products adequately from the blood.
High cholesterol can cause diseases of the heart and the arteries.

Parents in North America are more concerned with the problem of obesity in children.
Obesity can increase the risk of heart disease
There are several types of diabetes.
The dentist found many dental cavities in his teeth.
The doctor found out his patient had high blood pressure.
He died of kidney failure.
People with a family history of early heart disease are at risk of having high cholesterol levels

The doctor wrote a book, “Obesity”.
“Obesity” is the title of the book.

The words that you listed are not proper names.
2013-11-04 10:04 pm
大階capitalize (cap)全部都不是特定名詞, 雖然某些是醫學名詞...例如diabetes但是這些都是普通名詞不用no need大階的除非是醫學科目專科的名詞例如心臟科(cardiology)便要寫Cardiology
2013-11-03 9:18 pm

Normally will be in capital letter ( 大楷)
Proper Noun
Peter, Mary, Wong, Lee,I = name of a person
Shatin, Ocean Park = name of a place
Date, Day & month = Sunday , Monday ....... January, February, March.....

Beginning of a sentence
I am a boy
My name is Peter.
Be quiet!
Don't walk on the grass!

What you have listed do not need to be in capital letter unless they are in the beginning of a sentence or it's a heading of an article / essay or when you want to draw people attention to it..

heart disease
dental cavities
high blood pressure
kidney failure
high cholesterol
2013-11-03 3:27 am
proper own,peculiar individual of noun denoting individual person or place should be capitalised.

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