Movement of plates

2013-11-02 10:25 pm
I want to have some informations about constructive and destructive plate boundaries

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2013-11-03 11:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Constructive plate boundaries:
- convection currents of magma diverge
- two plates split away from each other
- tensional force
- lava wells up from the asthenosphere
- new rock crust is formed in the zone of divergence
- ridge push: the new rock curst formed pushes the two plates towards two opposite directions
- endogenetic processes: normal faulting, vulcanicity
- landform features: mid-oceanic ridge, rift valley, volcanic islands
- Example: boundary between Pacific Plate and Nazca Plate

Destructive plate boundaries:
- convection currents of magma converge
- two plates are dragged towards each other
- compressional force
- two plates collide
- denser plate subducts into the asthenosphere
- the sunk part of the plate melts into magma
- rocks are destroyed
- slab pull: force of gravity pulls the denser plate towards the subduction zone
- endogenetic processes: folding, reverse faulting, vulcanicity
- landform features: fold mountain, ocean trench, volcanic island
- Example: boundary between South American Plate and Pacific Plate

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 14:29:11
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