考美國大學study plan (幫我睇下得唔得thx)

2013-11-02 7:47 pm
我今年中四 想考美國大學 esp. Ivy league 個啲
中五下學期 大概三四月考sat
會考sat reasoning + sat II math biology physics
我唔知如果我讀dse math core (無module) 去到中五尾
應唔應付到math 2
好似會有啲precalculus 既野?
dse 有無加
同埋我想去大學讀molecular biology or computer science
P.s. 我而家係香港mainstream sku 讀緊 phy bio ict
中六既時候early application 放一間ivy league
如果收就入,唔收就考dse + apply 第二季

請問以上既plan o5ok ? Thxxx

Dear Gary - Thanks for your advice. But I'm confused by the Toefl part - if I'm taking the toefl test next summer( I will be promoted to s5) there's still a valid year when I apply to the colleges in S6, Isn't it?


thanks again, I have decided to take math 2 and biology.


thanks a lot (both of you) I would keep this post on until the deadline is reached.


Peter : 有無話幾多字? 同埋啲topic usually 係同咩有關加?想知多啲hehe thanks


^ I mean 個penn u essay xd 如果考3科唔係會好啲咩? 啲applicants 係咪usual 淨係考2 個sub toefl 個到我明啦 thxx

回答 (2)

2013-11-03 11:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
Your plan is simply a disaster.

1. TOEFL score is only valid for 2 years. By the time, you apply, it will be expired (your score should at least valid until you are admitted).

2. SAT II subject test is chosen based on major of your choice, not what you want. For example, if you want history as your major, you will have to take world history and us history. Also - usually a language test will be required.

3. SAT and SAT II is easier than you think. It is simply difficult to achieve high scores.

4. Since you can choose one major, you will have to drop either biology or physics (for SAT II).

5. All Ivy League know what is HKDSE. In other word, HKDSE is definitely required for admission.

2013-11-03 17:28:01 補充:
Are you so sure about the Form 6 deadline?

The thing is as soon as you don't get an admission offer by the summer, your TOEFL score is done. So you will have to retake again.

So why not wait a little bit longer?
2013-11-02 9:12 pm
第一,SAT Math 2 裡面的 Matrix 好像要到中六才教;當然有可能你的學校會先教。

第二,即使 Ivy League 都只要求兩科 SAT subject test。

第三,同意你的計劃,TOEFL 和 SAT 應早考。萬一成績不理想,仍有時間再考。要提醒你的是,SAT 考試次數不及 TOEFL 多,並且在大陸無得考,所以很多很多國內學生來港考,所以你要一早睇定 SAT 幾時有得報名,一早上網報名!

第四,無論你在中學讀乜,入到大學都要由頭讀起,所以不用擔心中學所選的科目是甚麼。當然,大學可能有 d !基本科可讓你考試 exempt,但數量不多。

第五,要有心理準備,Ivy League 都是 top 的私立大學,學費貴之餘,極難入得到去。所以建議你找一些次一級的學校做後備。其實以 computer science 來說,很多非 Ivy League 的學校都比 Ivy League 的好,例如 MIT、Stanford、Carnegie Mellon...等。無需因為入不到 Ivy League 而浪費一個學期。退一步說,可以先入次一級的大學再轉校。


2013-11-04 16:02:18 補充:
對於 SAT subject test,大學未必嚴格指定要考哪科。譬妮 MIT 的 Sloan School of Business 就只規定兩科 subject test 當中要有一科是 science,至於是甚麼 science 及另一科是甚麼就無規定。當然在你決定報哪一間的時候,你要自己 check 清楚。

還有關於 TOEFL 的有效期,如果你在 form 4下學期初(一、二月)考,則到你 form 6 上學期十一月報名時,馬上要求 TOEFL 寄出成績,應該還有效。一般來說,大學校多數會在一月初截止報名。所以 form 6 上學期十月後便可報名。

2013-11-04 16:03:37 補充:
還有:大校多數要求你作文。例如 U of Pennsylvania 的 business school 便要求作三篇。

2013-11-04 23:41:17 補充:
有些要 300-500 字,有些要 1000 字。題目類似這些:

Indicate a person who has had a significant influence on you, and describe that influence.

Please briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences in the space below

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