Is an i7 4770k better than an 8350 for future proofing games?

2013-11-01 4:23 pm
What I mean is, will an i7 last longer for gaming in the near future than an AMD 8350. I'm thinking of keeping the same components for 5 years until upgrading. The 8350 is AMD and consoles are supporting AMD components especially the fact that they have 8 cores but the Intel i7 is relatively new and has hyperthreading so it may come useful when I'm in university as well. I have 2 years left until I go to university and I'm pretty sure I'll be using dozens of different software for schoolwork. So will the 8350 come in handy as well?
Much help is appreciated

回答 (1)

2013-11-01 4:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
amd(s) are for gaming, but if you want future proof, intel can do alot more number crunching which means that the tech can do much stuff

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