英文填充 請各位幫幫手

2013-11-01 8:23 pm
Beware of Food Poisoning

Food supplies energy and nutrients ______ the human body _______.if food is contaminated and stored in warm and moist ______,
bacteria will multiply rapidly and toxin may even ______ produced. Consumption of ______ food will result in food poisoning or ______ food-borne diseases, therefore never ______ any food suspected to be contaminated.

The following should be noted _____ eating in restaurants, fast food shops, school canteens or tuck shops:
‧Don't eat food ______ has been stored at room temperature for some _____ as room temperature is suitable for bacterial growth.
‧When buying pre-packaged food, we should _____ the information like "minimum durability" or "______ date". inderdients, etc.on the label.
‧_______ sure that barbecued meat is thoroughly cooked before eating it. Meat not thoroughly cooked may ______ food poisoning and various parasitic diseases.
‧ Don't buy ______ illegal cooked food hawkers since the places and methods _____ food preparation ______ usually unhygienic.The food they sell may contain ______ number of bacteria and harmful or excessive _____ of food additives.

Childhood and youth are important stages for physical development._______ from more exercise and adequate rest, young people should develop good dietary ____ to protect their own health.

Absorption of excessive calories, fat, cholesterol, salt or sugar through our daily diet will impose adverse _____ on our health,_____ obesity, acne, high blood pressure and heart disease, etc.
‧Fried food should be _______ as it contains excessive fat.
‧Candies and soft drinks contain only calories and have no nutritional _______.
‧Preserved foods ______ salted eggs, salted fish, Chinese preserved meat or preserved bean curd, etc. are not recommended to be _____ in large quantities.


回答 (3)

2013-11-01 10:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
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Beware of Food Poisoning
Food supplies energy and nutrients for the human body consumption_.if food is contaminated and stored in warm and moist condition,
bacteria will multiply rapidly and toxin may even be produced. Consumption of contaminated food will result in food poisoning or acquiring food-borne diseases, therefore never eat any food suspected to be contaminated.

The following should be noted when eating in restaurants, fast food shops, school canteens or tuck shops:
‧Don't eat food that has been stored at room temperature for some time as room temperature is suitable for bacterial growth.
‧When buying pre-packaged food, we should check_ the information like "minimum durability" or "use-by date". ingredients, etc.on the label.
‧_Make_ sure that barbecued meat is thoroughly cooked before eating it. Meat not thoroughly cooked may cause food poisoning and various parasitic diseases.
‧ Don't buy from illegal cooked food hawkers since the places and methods of food preparation are usually unhygienic.The food they sell may contain large number of bacteria and harmful or excessive quantity of food additives.

Childhood and youth are important stages for physical development ._Apart______ from more exercise and adequate rest, young people should develop good dietary habit to protect their own health.

Absorption of excessive calories, fat, cholesterol, salt or sugar through our daily diet will impose adverse effect on our health,causing obesity, acne, high blood pressure and heart disease, etc.
‧Fried food should be avoided as it contains excessive fat.
‧Candies and soft drinks contain only calories and have no nutritional value_.
‧Preserved foods including salted eggs, salted fish, Chinese preserved meat or preserved bean curd, etc. are not recommended to be taken in large quantities.

2013-11-01 14:58:12 補充:
Fried food should be avoided/minimized as it contains excessive fat.
2013-11-02 11:37 am
Food supplies energy and nutrients ___for___ the human body__function_____.if food is contaminated and stored in warm and moist _atmosphere_____,bacteria will multiply rapidly and toxin may even __be____produced. Consumption of _those_ foodwill result in food poisoning or __other____ food-borne diseases, thereforenever __eat____ any food suspected to be contaminated. The following should be noted _when____ eating inrestaurants, fast food shops, school canteens or tuck shops:‧Don't eat food __which____ has been stored at roomtemperature for some _time____ as room temperature is suitable for bacterialgrowth.‧When buying pre-packaged food, we should __review___ theinformation like "minimum durability" or "___expiration___date". inderdients, etc.on the label.‧__Make_____ sure that barbecued meat is thoroughly cookedbefore eating it. Meat not thoroughly cooked may __cause____ food poisoning andvarious parasitic diseases.‧ Don't buy __from____ illegal cooked food hawkers sincethe places and methods _of____ food preparation _are_____ usuallyunhygienic.The food they sell may contain __multiple____ number of bacteria andharmful or excessive __quantities___ of food additives. Childhood and youth are important stages for physicaldevelopment.__Apart_____ from more exercise and adequate rest, young peopleshould develop good dietary __habit__ to protect their own health. Absorption of excessive calories, fat, cholesterol, salt orsugar through our daily diet will impose adverse _effects____ on our health,__like___obesity, acne, high blood pressure and heart disease, etc.‧Fried food should be __avoided_____ as it containsexcessive fat.‧Candies and soft drinks contain only calories and have nonutritional __ingredients_____.‧Preserved foods __like____ salted eggs, salted fish,Chinese preserved meat or preserved bean curd, etc. are not recommended to be__consumed___ in large quantities.
2013-11-02 7:27 am
catching food-borne diseases

"minimum durability" or "best-bfore date"

(or expiry date, especially for dairy products and dietary supplements)

2013-11-02 00:33:28 補充:

getting food-borne diseases

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