英文Acrostic Poem急!急!急!15點!

2013-11-01 7:47 am
題目是不限的,内容要有點關於chocolate bar
Example:The Space Bar(chocolate bar)
Space Bar
Pick and eat this bar to go very far
An ET , animals and robots
Can bring you a happy face
Eat the Space

回答 (2)

2013-11-01 6:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You may try:

Mars Bar

Many people want to see
Any different in this piece
Really tasty keep you high
Surely worth to have a try


Time Out

Take this chocolate to the park
Instant transform you to smart
Making friends they won’t depart
Every bite relax the mind
On the go and you still shine
Uplift your spirit into air
Time after time and anywhere
2013-11-01 7:45 pm
You may try Charlie And The Chocolate Factory on C-H-O-C-O-L-A-T-E-B-A-R
as Acrostic Poem:-
Choco owner the happy guide

Hazelnuts filling beside

Onward one oompa loompa since

Covered cocoa butter on our Prince

Other children about Wonka's globe

Love put on choco robe

Awarded the amazing tour begun

Tour the factory on 5 goldleaf sun

Eccentric Willy Wonka stand

Bars of choco Space on either hand

Amazingly he lift up to Charlie

Rewarded for owning the Factory he be.

2013-11-01 18:20:11 補充:
Hot sweetly
Of tasting prettily
Cakes sweet cream wittily
Of smell concerned
Let Space Bar hearted
Adorned dark joy
Tastes double joy
Eating for enjoy
Box to destroy
At the party enjoy
Right royal joy.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 20:12:19
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