Convergence of products

2013-10-31 1:13 pm
Pleaes determine the convergence of the following series:-


P be the prime number
P3 be the third prime number (i.e. 5)
P4 be the fourth prime number (i.e. 7)
and so on


Does it mean that this is a convergent series with the given number equal to zero?

回答 (4)

2013-10-31 6:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案


Ans: the product converges to zero.

2013-10-31 11:25:43 補充:
П_(n=1~∞) 1/(1-1/pn)=П_(n=1~∞) (1+ 1/pn+ 1/pn^2+...)=Σ_(n=1~∞) 1/n =∞
so П_(n=1~∞) (1- 1/pn) = 0 = (1-1/2)(1-1/3)П_(n=3~∞), then П_(n=3~∞) = 0
0 < = П_(n=3~∞) (1- 2/pn) < = П_(n=3~∞) (1 - 1/pn) =0
hence, П_(n=3~∞) (1- 2/pn) = 0 conv.

2013-10-31 11:31:06 補充:
П_(n=1~∞) 1/(1-1/pn)=П_(n=1~∞) (1+ 1/pn+ 1/pn^2+...)=Σ_(n=1~∞) 1/n =∞
so П_(n=1~∞) (1- 1/pn) = 0 = (1-1/2)(1-1/3)П_(n=3~∞) (1-1/pn), then П_(n=3~∞) (1-1/pn)= 0
0 < = П_(n=3~∞) (1- 2/pn) < = П_(n=3~∞) (1 - 1/pn) =0
hence, П_(n=3~∞) (1- 2/pn) = 0 conv.

2013-10-31 16:15:48 補充:
Yes, the product series converges to zero.
2013-11-02 7:15 pm
not necessary to use the nature of prime number
2013-11-01 9:09 am
佩服! 佩服!


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