
2013-10-31 11:10 am

1. 如果我想退宿,我需要預早幾時通知你們?






回答 (4)

2013-10-31 6:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 如果我想退宿,我需要預早幾時通知你們?

反問「退宿」是寫錯字「退縮」a(不參加/退出) 還是指「取消住宿」b(退房) a. If I want to withdraw, when is the deadline to notify you?b. If I want to checkout, when will be the latest time to let you know?
2.你的包裹己經到了,請到服務台提取。 Your package/parcel has arrived, please collect it at the Front Desk.

3.請問你的包裏到了未? Have you received the package/parcel yet?

4.請按單據上的日期時間到音樂室等候。 Please arrive and wait at the Music Room according to the date and time on the receipt.

5.請沿這條路行走,在穚底下有個巴士站,可乘過海巴士往中環。 Follow this road ahead, you’ll see a bus stop under the bridge/flyover, there you can take the cross-harbour bus to Central.
2016-04-13 4:07 am
2013-11-04 7:07 am
還是要去 http://aaashops。com 品質不錯,老婆很喜歡。
2013-10-31 11:24 am
1. 如果我想退宿,我需要預早幾時通知你們?How soon should I notify you ahead if I want to back outfrom it?2.你的包裹己經到了,請到服務台提取。Your package had been arrived. Please pick it up at the service counter.3.請問你的包裏到了未?Please advise if your package had been arrived.4.請按單據上的日期時間到音樂室等候。Please wait in the music room according to the date and timeindicated on the receipt.5.請沿這條路行走,在穚底下有個巴士站,可乘過海巴士往中環。Please walk along this road and you will see a bus stationunder the bridge. You can go to Centralby taking the crossing-harbour bus.

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