Which topic should I choose

2013-10-31 1:35 am
i want to ask can anyone can help me to choose one 標題,tmr chinese have to write a 作文, one topic is 《一個堅毅不屈的運動員》another one is 《一個樂於助人的同學》

回答 (6)

2013-10-31 2:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
Choose and Write on "A Strenuous Athelete" as one topic:-
Wah Wai is a natural athelete,someone who is good at sport;although he is a born deaf.He is an employee to the famous film star CEO to be, Lau Tak Wah.
He is a strenuous athelete.With his handicapped ability deaf to join to compete in a fair chance avalable.
He is a strenuous athelete. To develop his potential in body strength,intelligence,social ability,he is strong.
The track racing 100-200 m.are offered and demanded by the coach,the parents, and the athelete as the ultimate aim.
Maintain a high standard, his human right should be respected and admired. In the game he failed 100m due to deafened by the roar of the pistol,yet unable to hear! Later he won 200m and broke World Record in the game.(140 words)

2013-10-30 21:21:42 補充:
Wa Wai So Thanks.

2013-10-31 10:28:43 補充:
Re:-2008-(T36) 200m at 24.65 sec.gold medal award game.Thanks.
2013-11-07 5:51 pm
TOMING88 always makes me laugh.
2013-11-01 11:40 am
"堅毅不屈的運動員" 不是 strenuous athlete
perhaps a persevering athlete
strenous (adj.) = 累人的, 艱苦的, 須作出努力的
strenuous activity/effort/exercise/hike/walk/workout, 很少描述人

"So was born with jaundice which affected both his hearing and the balance of his limbs"
天生有 jaundice (黃疸病), 不是天生耳聾
2013-10-31 7:39 am
I think 一個樂於助人的同學 is more easy to write, if you choose the other topic you need to have alot of knowledge about sport and athletes otherwise its a little bit hard to write , just my suggest
2013-10-31 4:45 am
Did Toming88 知識長 mean Wa Wai So whose idol is Andy Lau?


But he is not deaf.

Maybe you are talking about others?
2013-10-31 1:48 am
Choose the one you are interested in

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