
2013-10-31 12:35 am


2.next generation

3.green-house gas


5.natural disasters




9. starve

回答 (3)

2013-10-31 3:29 am
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1. In order to protect our planet, I need to be environmentally-friendly.

2. Our next generation depends on us, so we need to work hard.

3. Air pollution would lead to more green-house gas around the world.

4. We should be alarmed by the water pollution every day.

5. They are very poor because there are many natural disasters in their country.

6. [As a noun] Recycling is a good measure to protect our environment.
[As a verb] They measure the length of the table by different methods.

7. The gas emitted from that laboratory is toxic.

8. Dinosaurs were extinct long time ago.

9. People in poor countries starve, so we should not waste our food.
2013-10-31 5:52 pm

environmentally-friendly (adjective) = 環保的, 對生態環境無害的
1. Cycling is very environmentally-friendly

next generation = 下一代
2. Scientists are working on developing the next generation supercomputers.

greenhouse gas (noun phrase) = 温室氣體
3. Carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, traps heat in the atmosphere, which makes the Earth warmer

alarmed (adjective) = 恐慌的,擔憂的
4. School officials were alarmed by the number of children with flu.

natural disasters (noun phrase) = 天災
5. Earthquakes, floods and droughts are common natural disasters.

measure (verb) = 量度
6a. I used a ruler to measure the length of my bedroom.

measure (noun) = 措施
6b. As a safety measure, all passengers will have to go through security check at airport.

toxic (adjective) = 有毒的
7. Car exhaust fumes are toxic.

extinct (adjective) = 絕種的
8. There is concern that the giant panda will soon become extinct.

starve (verb) = 挨餓
9. Many people could starve because of the drought.

car exhaust fumes = 汽車排出的廢氣
cycling = 騎腳踏車
concern (noun) = 憂慮
drought = 乾旱
flood = 水災
flu = influenza = 流行性感冒
school official = 學校官員
supercomputers = 超级電腦
2013-10-31 11:21 am
1.environmentally-friendlyThis electronic product is environmental-friendly. 2.next generationThe cellular phones will emerge into more advancedtechnology in the next generation.3.green-house gas The green house gas emissions from coal mining wereincreased by 13% in the past year. 4.alarmedI am alarmed by her unfriendly attitude.5.natural disastersThere are so many natural disasters that we are unable todecipher the cause at the present time.6.measureIt is hard to measure a person’s intelligence simply bylooking at his academic results.7.toxicThe toxic wastes fromthe power plants has a tremendous effect to the health of the public.8.extinctHis personality is so nice that he is almost considered asan extinct animal.9. starveI am almost starved to death since I haven’t eaten for twodays.

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