What to do when you don't have anything to live for anymore?

2013-10-29 1:44 pm
Everything is screwed. But I am not brave enough to end my life.

回答 (10)

2013-10-30 1:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
go to disneyland
2013-10-31 5:04 pm
Hey, I know exactly how you feel, and I'm sorry your in the same mental frame of mind that I've been in.
First of all, get help. Just talking to someone else about it and getting it off your chest can make a big difference in itself.
Something I learned about from talking to a psychiatrist was thinking errors, and I noticed you are battling with one: OVERGENERALIZATION/EXAGGERATION. ie. "EVERYTHING is screwed", "don't have ANYTHING to live for ANYMORE". These statements are simply not true, they are not based on fact, only negative thinking.

Anyway, In the mean time, until you get yourself some help, one thing that I was encouraged to do that really helped me is to learn how incredible the human body is, how complex and intricate it is, and how much has to happen for a human life to exist and keep living. It can help you realize how amazing it is that you are alive, and how precious you are simply for being alive.

Hang in there buddy.
參考: Personal experience
2013-10-31 5:26 am
You will continue to live such an existence then.
2013-10-31 1:24 am
well- with your kind permission- as you're probably young enough to be my son/ daughter - a good, big, warm hug is hereby sent to you-in spite of the distance- to begin with....
you're -probably at the utmost age of flourishing in every way-on one hand...
and you sound to me depressed and;/ or traumatised deeply and severely enough to probably urgently!!! need the professional help of a psychiatrist -in real life-in your area -someone skilled in treating people of your age- with no further delay if possible... even if it takes your immediately getting to the Emergency Room-inasmuch as you feel that bad...
I hereby beg you- from the depths of my sweltering -hot Jewish heart and soul -which your words here just shook: refrain, repeat-REFRAIN- from ANY form of even trying to self -harm or take your own life- whatsoever...heed the fact that NO ONE and NOTHING is worth your paying the price of your life- nor that of your quality of life-either...
heed also the fact that such a ''try''-even a '' failed'' one -can leave you both physically and further mentally disabled for good..you obviously deserve much better thasn this...
please- do yourself the favor to see yourself as you probably are: just another unique, unrepeatable pearl of Mother Nature- therefore entitled- as much as everyone of us- to a normal, happy, dignified life...
sttick to life...timely get the help you need...and may life come your way...may it smile to you in return...may you overcome your life's hardships... may you make all your dreams come true...the best possible, dignified way...here -in the one world we're granted...
please- inasmuch as possible-immediately let your parents/ closest available family exactly know what you're going through- ask for and timely get the help you need...
NEVER lose hope- nor faith either...ALWAYS keep in mind- that-once- years- ago- 17 years- old girl who-one icy Winter morning- on her way to school- was bluntly injured by a train...both her legs were cut-off...above her knees...
she was-at first-afraid of both dying and staying alive as well...
she survived, she got married, she is the mother of two and...she keeps practising sports such as swimming, cycling, even wall- climbing..using prosthetic implants of course...true story...
she was able to rebuild her life from rubble..WHY couldn't you or shouldn't you-overcome your life's hardships?! WHY should you give up?!
參考: I am a Family Physician-living and working in Israel...good health... be so kind -please - to email me NOW:[email protected] may you stay foreverr-blessed and kept safe and proof from all harm...
2013-10-29 9:26 pm
I'm so sorry that you're feeling this way. Going through with committing sucide doesn't mean you are brave. It means the total opposite actually. The brave fight for their life. And by looking for help, makes you brave. In life there are ups and downs. And right now you're going through a down time. I promise that things will get better. Life is beautiful. Yes, it may seem ugly at times but that's just part of everyone's journey. You are loved by many and it would be so selfish to take your life. Imagine the heartache and devastation you would leave behind if you were to go through with it. I know we don't know one another but if you need someone to talk to, please feel free to email me
Sometimes having someone to vent to, or just talk to can make a difference. My email is [email protected]. if I don't hear from you, keep your head up and always remember how loved and special you are :)

Danielle :)
2013-10-29 9:19 pm
well ending ur life isnt the solution im glad that ur heart and mind r telling u not to do it. find something to occupy ur thoughts so u dont have time to think about ending it
2013-10-29 9:14 pm
Find something to live for, anything.. it does get better. I have lost everything and now I'm back on top. Call a crisis line and have them point you in the right direction. NOTHING is worth ending your life. Once you're gone that's it game over, at least try something. I hope you are ok.
2013-10-29 8:50 pm
Nothing is screwed. Forget your past. Make new mission that interested to you.
2013-10-29 8:48 pm
Brave people don't suicide. Brave people continue living and doing what they WANT TO DO to fulfill their life. Brave people go to psychologist to look for help.

There was a war in my country (Bosnia and Herzegovina) from 1992-1995, and my cousin lost his 3 daughters and wife from a single bomb. He's still alive and have beautiful son. He's my inspiration in a bad moments.

Suicide is not a solution. That is for pu**ies.
2013-10-29 8:46 pm
make yourself a reason to live. volunteer at the animal shelter or get a girlfriend. If you are depressed you should see a doctor immediately. Go out and exercise, run at the park. endorphins are chemicals released in exercise and make you feel good, not to mention improving your opinion of your self worth and getting a better body. exercise has been proven to decrease depression

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