GAME-pre-order price change which price do you pay?

2013-10-28 4:31 pm
I have ordered Call of duty ghost prestige edition and when i orderd it the game was £180 , I went to check to see when it would be delivered and have found that the price has been lowered to £150 will I have to pay the £189 or the £150 for my game?

回答 (5)

2013-10-28 5:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
At the moment they start processing the order, they look at the price when you placed the order, and the price at the moment of processing, and pick the lowest.
If they haven't started the processing yet, it'll cost you £150 when they do.
If however they'd started processing and charged you £180, you'd be paying that even if there was a last minute price drop on release day.
2013-10-30 7:44 am
I know if you pre-order on amazon the prices change, but you always pay the cheapest one
2013-10-29 12:42 am
If the price is lower, you will get the lowest price. If it rises from the original price you agreed on, you will only pay the price you were ready to pay. So, you will pay £150. :)
2013-10-29 12:06 am
Most companies say that if the price changes then you'll pay the new price if it's lower, it's most likely the case with GAME!
2013-10-28 11:34 pm
It's prace what u buy... Can't be changed

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