基礎數學問題 20點

2013-10-29 2:43 am
1.the population of a city at present is 700 million. the population p,in million,after n years is approximated by the formula p=700e^0.025n

(a)predict the population, in million,after 10 years.
(b)in how many years the population will be doubled?

2>the value of a machine depreciates continuously.after is has used for n years,it's value $v is given by v=Ae^-0.4t,where A is a constant. A new machine is worth
(a)find the value of A
(b)find the value of the machine after is has been used for 2 years.
(c)how many years later the value of the new machine reduces to 20% of its original value?

3.the value $V of a famous painting t years after the beginning of 2007 is given by
V=40000(1.5)^0.2t . find the value of the painting at the end of 2012.
(give your answers correct to the nearest integer.)

4.annie deposits $20000 in a bank at 2%p.a. compounded half-yearly.at least
how many years does it take for her to receive an amount exceeding $25000?

回答 (2)

2013-10-29 3:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
1a)p = 700e^0.025(10) = 898 million

1b) 700e^0.025n = 1400
e^0.025n = 2
ln(e^0.025n) = ln2
0.025n = ln2
n = 27.7 years

2a)10000 = Ae^-0.4(0)
A = 10000

2b)v = 10000e^-0.4(2)
v = 9231.2

3a)V = 40000(1.5)^0.2(5)
V = 60000

4)20000(1+0.02)^n = 25000
nlog(1+0.02) = log(1.25)
n = 11.3
So at least 12 years

Hope it is helpful for you~~
參考: Myself
2013-10-29 5:34 am
also 2(c)?

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