[英文文法] 名詞+動名詞 (Noun+Gerund)

2013-10-28 3:04 pm

A satellite passing over east Africa took pictures of his roof.




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2013-10-28 7:12 pm
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A satellite passing over east Africa took pictures of his roof.

不是名詞會直接加上動名詞 (Noun + Gerund)
passing 是 present participle (現在分詞)
當現在分詞作名詞時, 才可以稱 gerund (動名詞)
passing 在這裡不是作名詞

A satellite was passing over east Africa.
The satellite took pictures of his roof.
~ Two simple sentences

We combine the two sentences with a relative pronoun, “which”
A satellite which was passing over east Africa took pictures of his roof.
A satellite took pictures of his roof. ~ main clause
which was passing over east Africa ~ relative clause (關系從句)
“which” is a relative pronoun.

We can reduce the relative clause to participial phrase
which was passing over east Africa --> passing over east Africa

A satellite passing over east Africa took pictures of his roof.

“passing over east Africa” is known as present participial phrase

許多的 relative clauses 是這樣簡化後變成 participial phrases, 句子比較簡潔

Other use of present participial phrase:

Flying into storm, Superman risked life and limb.
“Flying into storm” is a present participial phrase, functioning as an adverbial. It modifies the verb, "risked".
Present participial phrase can function as an adverbial phrase, not necessarily adjective phrase all the time.

Flying into storm is dangerous.
"Flying into storm " can be the subject of a sentence. It functions as a noun phrase in this sentence.

Present participial phrase (現在分詞短語) is a verbal phrase that is headed by a presentparticiple, together with its object, complement or modifier.

2013-10-29 20:29:38 補充:
當 verb + ing, 可作 present participle (現在分詞) 或 gerund (動名詞)
是兩種類, 功能各別不同
present participial phrase 才可作 noun phrase, 做 subject
參考: Oxford Dictionary of English Grammar
2013-10-28 5:41 pm
Noun clause explanation: and the usage where preposition should be noted.
(1),He is afraid(because his Africa roof has pictured by a passing satellite.) Noun Clause.
or called a subordinate clause.
(a)subject+predicate (noun clause pattern)
(That the taking pictures of his roof)is by a satellite.
(b)subject+verb+object (noun clause pattern)
He said (that the passing satellite had taken the pictures.)
(c)subject+verb+indirect object+direct object (n.cl.pat.)
He told us (that a passing satellite took pictures of his roof.)
2013-10-28 5:19 pm
In the sentence "passing" is not a gerund. It is a present participle, and "passing over east Africa " is a participle phrase.

The attached are extracted from articles in the internet.

Participle phrase is an adjective phrase that starts with a participle. It usually follows the noun (or pronoun) which it modifies.


1. You could see the panther releasing its grip.

2. Is that Arthur running for the bus?

A gerund is a noun made from a verb by adding "-ing." The gerund form of the verb "read" is "reading." You can use a gerund as the subject, the complement, or the object of a sentence.


1.Reading helps you learn English. SUBJECT OF SENTENCE
2.Her favorite hobby is reading. COMPLEMENT OF SENTENCE
3.I enjoy reading. OBJECT OF SENTENCE

Gerunds can be made negative by adding "not."


1.He enjoys not working.
2.The best thing for your health is not smoking.
2013-10-28 3:06 pm

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