Rome to propose but I'm struggling for good places to do it...inspiration needed!!?

2013-10-27 11:09 pm

I'm taking my girlfriend to Rome over New Years as I want to propose to her which is great but I don't want it to be to total know, candlelit dinner, same thing as everyone else has done. We're going to ballet and might go to the sistine chapel as she loves art and dance but I'm not sure that they're places to propose...any ideas for me?

I really want to do it right so any help you can give me would be great!!



Wow, thanks for your responses everyone. Rome is important to use both for various reasons, that's why I chose it so I'm not to worried about that in itself, I'm sure she'll love it. As you've said, it's proposing in a place that's personal that will be difficult, everywhere we'll go will be very busy! Thanks for you suggestions so far, any more are welcome and I'll keep thinking about it!

回答 (10)

2013-10-29 8:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I wouldn't choose the Coliseum. I felt profoundly sad there--the thought of all the misery contained in that place was overwhelming. )They also have the worst public bathrooms I have ever been in anywhere in the world, and I've traveled some.) Choose a happier place. The Trevi Fountain is beautiful (though very crowded, but you could sit on the steps and still have a sort-of-private quiet proposal). The Spanish Steps are also a great place, and again, you could sit on the steps and have a semi-private moment.

I wouldn't do the Sistine Chapel as you must be quiet there, and it's crowded. But, Saint Peter's Square is magnificent. There's also a beautiful old bridge across the river near the Vatican (sorry but I don't remember it's name or exactly where it is) that would be lovely. There are lots of public fountains that would also be pretty.

Wherever you choose, it's going to be memorable.
2013-10-28 1:20 am
Go to the Coliseum and propose there. Tell her that your love will last longer !
2013-10-27 11:11 pm
The plan you have already sounds wonderful. Getting engaged in Rome will be very memorable :)
2016-03-13 1:17 pm
It depends what you want to see but the best thing about Rome is the sheer sense of history all around you. Personally I find one of the best sights to see is the Roman Forum from the Campidoglio. You climb the steps (about 300m due south of the Monumento Vittorio Emanuele) upto to the top of the Campidoglio and enter the square. Go ahead past the last building at the head of the square, passing it on the right (on the left hand side is the statue of Romulus and Remus - not very impressive). As you pass the building the panorama of the Forum opens up before you. Try it at night as one of the first sights of Rome and it's beautifully flood lit. It gives you a great impression of the size and splendour the city must have had two thousand years ago. A half day or so wandering around the Forum itself is also worthwhile if you're into history. About 25 km outside of Rome to the East near Tivoli is the Villa Adriana (named after the builder of Hadrian's wall) this is also worth a half day sightseeing. Only problem right now is it's the hottest time of year and the heat will be oppressive - Enjoy your stay and try not to let the sun fry your brains.
2013-11-04 3:55 pm
Inside the Vatican, on one knee.
Congrats and good luck.
2013-11-03 4:43 pm
The Spanish Steps!
2013-10-30 12:11 pm
Trevi fountain or the Spanish steps, you won't get away from people anywhere or during the interval at the ballet.
2013-10-28 4:32 am
There is no right place or time for this. You are already in Rome and what I can remember from when I was there the Colosseum was popular for proposals. On the day we visited 3 couples got engaged.

Or you could propose sistine chapel really quietly but then all the tourists would notice anyway - 2 couples engaged that day we were there.

Or there is the forum - 1 couple.

Or maybe the lost temple or the hotel pool or the random alley way where a pizza shop lives and you stop to eat lunch.

my point is - rome is cliched anyway. So whatever you choose to do as long as you are true to you and to her and you are genuine then it won't matter where or when.

(you don't want to be carrying around a ring worth lots anyway when there are pick pockets around.)

For a truly unique proposal why not propose after seeing the Crypt of Capuchins??? :P
2013-10-28 12:42 am
I don't know much about rome, but I do know a lot about proposals. Remember these things:

It should be romantic and creative.

It shouldn't be in front of too much people (for example, you wouldn't want to put it on megatron at a sports game or something), because this will put too much pressure on her.

You should have a short romantic speech prepared (don't make it too long)

Your ideas sound GREAT. So romantic! Good luck, I hope she says yes. I think she will because you seem like a great guy who is really devoted to her.

Don't forget: It is VERY important to ask her fathers blessing. It isn't mandatory, however it is traditional and it will be very important to her.
2013-10-27 11:13 pm
It's already default cliche because you're going on this trip on New Year's .

It would be more meaningful and special if you did it at home in a place that is important to the both of you. Is there something particularly meaningful about Rome, or do you just want to do something "big"? Most women prefer a private proposal, so if you are going to do this, I suggest you do it someplace secluded.

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