How Does a Capricorn Moon deal with getting dumped?

2013-10-27 9:33 am
I have a Capricorn Moon and I've been dealing with heart ache for almost a year now ( 9 months to be exact). I know Capricorn Moons aren't supposed to be emotional to top it off I have an Aquarius Sun and Gemini Rising. I wonder if they anything to do with that too. What do you think?

回答 (3)

2013-10-28 2:37 am
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We don't..all my past breakups still hurts.

Leo sun
Cap moon/as rising
Cancer venus
2013-10-27 10:18 pm
Well my sister has a capricorn moon. She doesn't really show a lot of emotion, but when something's bothering her you can just sense the gloominess. She gets rather pessimistic sometimes about life. She's much more mature than I am and will take things really seriously.
參考: Sun libra/moon libra/taurus rising
2013-10-28 1:19 am
I have never been dumped,but knowing myself,if it happened I would wish them well and move on. I like sharing ,but never give away my heart and soul to anyone. In any relationship I am Love when I enter and Love when I exit..not a believer of self sacrifice.
參考: Cap Moon/Cap Mars Cancer Sun conj Uranus,Mercury and Jupiter 12th to 11th

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