phy force

2013-10-28 3:51 am
Three blocks A,B andC of masses m, 2m and 3m respectively are pushed from rest along a smooth level surface as shown .Find the magnitude of force exerted by C on B


回答 (2)

2013-10-28 4:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
Acceleration of the blocks a = F/(m+2m+3m) = F/6m

Consider block C alone, it is pushed by block B. Let this force be Fc,
hence, Fc = (3m).a
i.e. Fc = (3m).F/6m = F/2

By the law of action and reaction (Newton's Third Law of motion), Fc equals in magnitude to that of the force which acts on block B by block C.

Therefore, the force exerted by C on B = F/2
2013-10-28 4:52 am

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