Grammar 一問

2013-10-27 9:24 pm
如果問人 " would you come home dinner tonight ? "
" will you come home dinner tonight ? "
" could you come home dinner tonight ? "
" do you come home dinner tonight ?"
你今晚返唔返嚟屋企食飯啊 ?
邊句至正確啊 ?
這幾句嘅結構大至点用㗎 ?

回答 (4)

2013-10-28 1:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
'Would' is the polite form of 'will' 今晚會不會回家吃晚飯
'Could' is the polite form of 'can'. 今晚可不可以回家吃晚飯
'Do you come bome for dinner tonight' 今晚是否回家吃晚飯
Therefore, it should be 'Would you come home for dinner tonight'
2013-10-30 6:20 pm
太太會這樣問丈夫, “Will you be home for dinner tonight?”

“Would you like to go out for dinner tonight?”
2013-10-30 11:35 am
You are missing a preposition "for" in all of the sentences.
I think the most appropriate format to write the sentence is:
Will you come home for dinner tonight?
2013-10-27 9:45 pm
would is similar to will...but we usually use will when we want to ask that person whether he or she will come back for dinner.Could is.more polite than can,but its reallt no need to use could when just asking the family member for dinner tonight.For the case of do you come......we seldom use it...but the meaning is just simply 你返黎食飯嗎?understood??

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