
2013-10-27 3:52 am
我要做psy project..可以比d意見我.thanks



1.從心理方面對他們有佯影響: 例如自卑等 .

寫埋教育/宣傳叫人唔好歧視人地 & 鼓勵立法保障

我揾到資料講群際接觸(Intergroup Contact)被認為是心理學中促進群際關係的最有效策略之一,但我唔知點用 point寫解決南亞裔人士問題...幫手作作~~thanks

回答 (2)

2013-10-28 9:13 am
- looks like this project is related to Social Psychology

- Did you choose your Topic or is it assigned by your lecturer? If you have a

choice, you can consider to change the topic to read

"Stereotyping, Prejudice and Discrimination Toward South Asians". If you

don't have a choice then leave it the way it is.

- for Outline of the project, refer to:


- note the Table of Contents

- for the first part, define: stereotype, prejudice, discrimination, South Asians

- quote a number of Ideal Models and relate to the real world situations of Hong

- eg. Lippmann's Stereotype, refer to:




- for the second part, quote Allport's Inergroup Contact Hypothesis (or Theory)

- Intergroup contact works by getting members of ingroups and outgroups
together under conditions that favour positive outcomes (eg. cooperative
common goals).

- reducing intergroup bias

- establish laws, regulations and social norms mandating fair treatment
eg. passing of Race Discrimination Bill on 10 July 2008
Anti-Discrimination Protection For Ethnic Minorities in Hong Kong

- Public awareness: in Psychology, "Norms" are expectations or informal
rules for acceptable behavior in a given situation, even one person's public
support for anti-prejudice norms is enough to move other people in that

refer to:


- Important: proper citation

2013-10-27 6:48 pm
1. They will think that they are being looked down on.They will lose their self confidence in doing things,just simply walking on streets or playing with friends ,will also let them think they are useless.This further affects their mental development,which is totally a mess in their life.
2.The government can promote fairness to the prevention of racial discrimination.They can organise more activities to let the ethnic minorities get in touch with more different levels of people,which can make them increase their self confidence,and improve their mental health.
By Intergroup Contact,there is interaction between people ,so they will learn how to communicate with one another...so ...enhance their social communication skills...yea...thatsan effective way

2013-10-27 10:49:27 補充:
not.in pt. form...some inconvenience caused

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