F.4 Chem please help 20pts!!!

2013-10-27 3:21 am
1. Is all metal nitrate soluble in water?

2. Erosion is the wearing away of surface materials and (the movement of products
of weathering to other locations. )

What does the sentence in ( ) mean?

回答 (1)

2013-10-27 4:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Yes, all nitrate are soluble. (所有硝酸鹽都是可溶的。)

2. Erosion 是 侵蝕,例如落大雨會把山上的沙石冲到山下。把表土冲走至另一處地方。

2013-10-26 20:55:11 補充:
(the movement of products of weathering to other locations. )


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