英文填充題 請幫小弟

2013-10-25 2:49 am
Mandatory Provident Fund(MPF) for your Retirement Protection

Does the MPF System _______ anything to do with me?

The MPF System ________ all members of the workforce in Honk Kong.______
your employer and _______ will have to make monthly contributions ________ that when you retire, you will receive a _______ of money from the scheme.

________ will be my contributions each month?
the statutory minimum contribution ________ 5% of your cash income. Your employer ______ have to make the same ________ of contribution to your account.

My income is not that high. Can I be _____ from joining the MPF scheme?
If your income is ______ than the stipulated minimum level of income($4000 per month), you will not have to _______. However, your employer must make arrangements _______ you to _______ a registered MPF scheme and contribute an amount equivalent _______ 5% of your cash income to your account. You can choose to contribute on a voluntary ______, though.

Will I _______ rejected by any scheme trustee because of low income?
The MPF legislation has a 'no-rejection' provision, _______ stipulates that no MPF trustee can turn ______ an application on the ground of income level.

_______ there any upper limit for making contributions?
________ statutory maximum level of income for contribution purpose is $20000 per month. Even _______ you earn more than $20000, you and your employer will ______ be required to contribute $1000 only i.e., 5% of $20000.

Please call Mandatory Provident Fund Office on 25290155 ______ more information.

回答 (2)

2013-10-25 8:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
Does the MPF System have anything to do with me?

The MPF System covers all members of the workforce in Honk Kong. Legally (or ...) your employer and you will have to make monthly contributions to that. When you retire, you will receive a sum of money from the scheme.

What will be my contributions each month?
The statutory minimum contribution is 5% of your cash income. Your employer will have to make the same amount of contribution to your account.

My income is not that high. Can I be exempted from joining the MPF scheme?
If your income is less than the stipulated minimum level of income($4000 per month), you will not have to contribute. However, your employer must make arrangements with you to join a registered MPF scheme and contribute an amount equivalent to 5% of your cash income to your account. You can choose to contribute on a voluntary basis, though.

Will I be rejected by any scheme trustee because of low income?
The MPF legislation has a 'no-rejection' provision, which stipulates that no MPF trustee can turn down an application on the ground of income level.

Is there any upper limit for making contributions?
The statutory maximum level of income for contribution purpose is $20000 per month. Even if you earn more than $20000, you and your employer will only be required to contribute $1000 only i.e., 5% of $20000.

Please call Mandatory Provident Fund Office on 25290155 for more information.

如果有錯或者有更好的字, 請改正. Thanks.
I am not so sure if I use the correct word, "Legally"

2013-10-27 03:10:14 補充:
Thanks, 意見者:意I思A ( 知識長 )
2013-10-25 11:26 pm
(Both) your employer and you will have to make ...

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