
2013-10-24 11:58 pm

It goes to show是成語,意思是「這可以證明」或「這足以顯示」,例如﹕The government refuses to explain its unpopular decision, which just goes to show that a government not democratically elected tends to ignore the concerns of the public(政府不肯解釋其不符眾望的決定,這正好顯示,非民主選出的政府,通常不理會民情)。

今天看明報學英文一欄時,以上例句not democratically elected唔係好明。為何not 前沒有is? (a government is not democratically elected )
我明白上句的main verb 係tends, 所以不可以兩個動詞,咁not democratically elected是否past participle, 換句話講是adjective?咁如果推論正確,pp可以加not 在前頭嗎?

回答 (3)

2013-10-25 5:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
“not democratically elected” 是 past participial phrase

A participial phrase 來自 present participle (現在分詞) 或 past participle (過去分詞) 組成.

“elected” 是 past participle.
這個 phrase “not democratically elected” 描述政府 ~ What kind of government.
participial phrase 作用相似 adjective phrase,
嚴格來說, “not democratically elected” 不是真正 adjective phrase, but you can say it functions as an adjective phrase.

government not democratically elected 的反義語是:
government democratically elected 或 democratically-elected government

簡化了一個簡單句子 simple sentence
A government tends to ignore the concerns of the public.

加上 relative clause (which is not democratically elected) 來描述政府
A government which is not democratically elected tends to ignore the concerns of the public

然後再刪除 “which is”, relative clause is reduced to past participial phrase
A government not democratically elected tends to ignore the concerns of the public

Students who are taught phonics by their primary teachers can sound out unfamiliar words
刪除 “who are”
Students taught phonics by their primary teachers can sound out unfamiliar words

許多的 relative clauses 是這樣簡化後變成 participial phrases, 句子比較簡潔

Adjective phrase (形容詞短語) is a phrase functioning adjectivally, and consisting of an adjective as head plus, optionally, words before and/or after.
例如: He is a man suitable for the job.

Relative clause (關系從句) is a clause that comes after a noun and identifies what is meant or adds information.

參考: Oxford Dictionary of Grammar
2013-10-25 4:00 am
not democratically elected 三個字組成一句 adjective phrase 用來形容 government。

或者我們先從簡化一點的開始: ...a government tends to ignore the concerns...

然後為了要形容這是一個「並非民主選出」的政府,便加入 not democratically elected 這句形容詞片語。

2013-10-24 20:02:30 補充:
有時你未必找得到單獨一個形容詞啱用,便要用多幾個字 — 用 adjective phrase
2013-10-25 2:51 am
PP? 整句句子像現在式呢。

The government refuses to explain its unpopular decision, which just goes to show that a government which is not democratically elected tends to ignore the concerns of the public正確


不是形容詞。 三個字怎會是形容詞呢?

還有沒所謂MAIN VERB , 動詞就是動詞。 

我的電郵: petermaclatyahoocomhk

2013-10-24 18:58:19 補充:

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