why we use time and clock in our everyday life? bn the pat when there were no clock people still live happily?

2013-10-23 9:35 pm
why we use time and clock in our everyday life? because in the past when there were no clock people still live happily?

回答 (4)

2013-10-25 6:37 am
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Its a form of bondage in my opinio. Eight hours to your job, eight to your family and eight towards sleeping
2013-10-23 9:38 pm
To manage time? People have to get to work at certain times or be at school at a certain time. There are deadlines for projects and specific dates for holidays. The world is more advanced now.
2013-10-25 2:55 am
because people have desires they want to come true so they work on it to make it come true asap; or the others have desires that they force someone to accomplish them for them asap.

why asap? i guess its a funny thing about desire, another reason is that people have limited life time

and when people of the same niche as you, you have to compete.
- A is faster than B, B tries to get past A, A again tries to get past B, B...
- people didnt learn a second language; then people started to learn a second language; then people started to learn a third language; now parents take their children to 10 language classes each week
so my guess is it will only get more stressful but not the other way around, unless there is some sort of revolution or external influence (if you know what i mean....)
2013-10-23 9:37 pm
Yeah, but we used the sun for the same thing... until we realized that we could build a thing that would do that job even better.

You don't really get the idea of humans being tool-using creatures, do you?

收錄日期: 2021-04-16 16:15:14
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