Where to get the boiled crab which is the same as the Fisherman's Wharf?

2013-10-23 6:21 pm
So i have been to Fisherman's Wharf in San fransico and tried their boiled crab, it is the most delicous crab that i have ever had. i want to try it again before i go back to the middle of nowhere.

My question is I know that the stuff in Fishermen Wharfs is obviously overprice, is there anywhere in San Fransico can get the same thing

回答 (2)

2013-10-23 11:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
A little hole in the wall restaurant, Swan Oyster Depot on Polk Street, which is basically a fish market with a food counter.

The Old Clam House on Bayfront.
2013-10-24 11:52 pm
Any fish monger, Whole Foods, any seafood restauraunt

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