口語 - 我已經回到家了

2013-10-23 9:59 pm

1)i have been back home already?

2)i have back home?

which one is right?

回答 (6)

2013-10-24 1:26 am
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I am home already.

假如你仍想問必須要用perfect tense作句來講述你已經回到家,例如向另一個人報告...
I have just arrived at home.
I have arrived home.

back只會在配合動詞的處境,例如go back: I have gone back home by myself.
2013-10-26 3:24 am
(1)但是應該是I have already gone home?
2013-10-24 6:46 pm
口語 - 我已經回到家了

I got home already.
2013-10-24 11:49 am
Just simply say "I am home."
2013-10-24 9:13 am
坐飛機,剛返家,去電給媽媽, 免掛念
簡單口語, "Mom, I'm home."
或長少少 - "Mom, I've just returned home."
return = 返回

arrive at home ~ at 是多餘, 是初學者講
除了 arrive at your new home (your new home 是 noun phrase)

通常講 arrive home,
home 是做 adverb
arrive/get/go/reach/return + home

2013-10-24 02:02:08 補充:
Instead of using the word "retutn", you can say
"Mom, I've just come back home."
2013-10-23 11:17 pm
been back already=return into the place or position where someone was before=home.I was supposed to be back at home by 5pm.Now you found me home at 5 pm.
been back home=better go back home.
(2)have back=present perfect tense=again=once again
eg:-Let us go back home just to make sure we're back home.

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