
2013-10-23 8:31 am
(1)Wool has to be washed on the gentle cycle and only with cold water.
這句的 on 的意思是什麼? 為什麼這樣使用? 那 with 呢?

(2)(picking up a dress) This one says "Dry-clean only."
此句是複合詞"Dry-clean" 請問它是"adj-adj"嗎? 還有它的原型該是如何?

(3)You will have to take it to the dry cleaners.If you had machine-washed it, you might have ruined it.
此句為什麼dry cleaners要加上s呢? 不是只要去一間嗎?
恢復原型是否為 : If you had washed with machine.

(4)out-of-fashion , self-confidence 這個詞的構造是怎樣的?

回答 (3)

2013-10-24 1:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
(1)Wool has to be washed on the gentle cycle and only with cold water.
這句的 on 的意思是什麼? 為什麼這樣使用? 那 with 呢?
on the gentle cycle是指洗衣機的設定中"gentle cycle"那操作程式,所以配以on作表達指示在某設定(上)

with cold water是指實際用甚麼水的設定(洗衣機可以設定用冷水/暖水/熱水等),需然你要選擇設定,但由於所指是實際跟衣服混合用來洗的水而以便依處境(wash with ?? water)的with作為前置詞。

(2)(picking up a dress) This one says "Dry-clean only."
此句是複合詞"Dry-clean" 請問它是"adj-adj"嗎? 還有它的原型該是如何?

(3)You will have to take it to the dry cleaners.If you had machine-washed it, you might have ruined it.
此句為什麼dry cleaners要加上s呢? 不是只要去一間嗎?

If you had washed it with a washing machine.

(4)out-of-fashion , self-confidence 這個詞的構造是怎樣的?
out-of = 沒有/用盡/零了 + fashion (時裝/時尚/潮流) = 不潮
self = 自己/個人/自我 + confidence (信心/肯定) = 自+信 = 對自己有信心/肯定

2013-10-28 9:43 pm
Godfrey ( 博士級 1 級 ) ,thank you!
2013-10-25 9:53 am
“Dry-clean only”
Dry-clean is not a noun as suggested by 回答者 001
Dry-clean is a verb. (dry-cleans, dry-cleaned, dry-cleaned, dry-cleaning)

dry-cleaning (uncountable noun) – the process of cleaning clothes with special chemicals instead of water.

2013-10-25 01:58:35 補充:
dry-cleaner’s (British), dry cleaner (US)
~ a shop where you can take clothes to be dry-cleaned

你弄清楚是否有 ' 在 s 前面 ( ' 是 apostrophe)
chemist's, baker's, florist's, tobacconist's (全是 shops)

如果無apostrophe), dry cleaners (分開兩個字) 是 plural, 乾洗不止一次, 可能不同的 cleaners

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