HELP me for Best water purifier in 3 to 5 thousands budget.?

2013-10-23 4:36 am

回答 (6)

2013-10-23 4:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
go for the kent
2013-10-26 7:30 pm
You should go for Kent.
2013-10-23 8:51 pm
Go for Kent Gold Plus its Rs.2300 only for more information see the below source
2013-10-23 3:04 pm
You can go for aquaguard, which is my favourite one. Also you can try aro purifier
2013-10-23 2:34 pm

Accourding to your requirment i think Kent Water Purifiers is good
2013-10-23 11:42 am
The culligan portable exchange unit is the best after I recently researched. However if your from India I'm not sure it's available there.

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