Wireless Router/ Ethernet?

2013-10-22 10:50 pm
I have my home computer wired directly to a router with an ethernet cable. I have been having issues lately with computers that are hooked directly up to the modem losing internet connection. When I disconnect my home computer from the router and hook directly into the router, the problem seemed to be solved. So I figured that my issue was with the router which was several years old so I replaced it. I just went through the whole set up process for the new router and everything was fine for about 30 minutes and then I suddenly lost internet connection on the computer that is hooked up through the router. When I disconnect from the router and plug my computer directly into the modem, I have internet again.
According to the troubleshooter, when I am hooked up thru the router it is saying that there is a cable that is not connected. I have tried different ports on the router and this is still not fixing anything. Is it possible that my enternet cable is bad??

Well, from being on line chatting for over an hour I am beginning to think that my new router is a lemon!

回答 (5)

2013-10-22 11:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
have you check your proxy settings?

check for malware/virus.
2014-03-19 12:46 am
We endorse utilizing http://www.vpnpower.net to help unblock web-sites. I've been with them since four years.
2013-10-23 2:08 am
It's very possible.I had once this problem.If you have spare try it.
2013-10-22 10:53 pm
I had the same problem with my wireless router until I moved the router just over 6 ft from all computers. My wireless connection has been rock solid since.

The principle is sort of like getting a microphone too close to a speaker, you get rapid feedback.
2013-10-22 10:52 pm
i have a really old internet modem (brodband) and it literally cuts of randomly, this may be the same with yours look into getting a new one, i know i am sorry if this didn;t help

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